Saturday 22 November 2008

I wish I could run...

I wish I could run faster than light. I'll run so fast that I become a blur in the eyes of this world. I wish I could run so fast that I wont be able to see my own shadow. I wish I could run far far away, never running out of breath, never running out of stamina. I could be running away from myself. But the faster I run...the closer I get to myself. I pray that I never run out of ways and detours for I have no other place to go. I am scared to stand still. I am scared to hear myself breathe all alone. People will wonder who passed by but yet they won't be able to figure out. There will be some who will look towards me and pity me. While some will admire my courage and strength. Time will try to compete with me while Fate will try to trip me over...but I don't have time to fight either of them. I wish I could see the sunrise before me and sunset after me. I pray that my sweat won't leave a trail behind me for anyone to follow. I pray that my tears evaporate even before they flow from my eyes. It won't be won't be painless but it is worth a shot as long as it promises to free myself from me.

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